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Home -> About Us -> 2003 Election -> Medical Review Board

Board of Trustees

The Renal Network, Inc.

Description of Duties for Elected Committees

2003 Election


Medical Review Board

The Medical Review Board serves as the primary advisory panel for all Network quality improvement activities, including clinical performance measures, facility review, medical care evaluation studies, patient grievances, special studies and surveys regarding the health care delivery to ESRD patients. 

To meet these responsibilities in an ongoing and consistent manner, the Medical Review Board is divided into three subcommittees, each with specific charges. These subcommittees and their focus area are as follows:

      Quality Improvement: This subcommittee is assigned the task of looking at quality of care issues, including the review of chart audits and site visits, and requests corrective action plans, when necessary, and checks the follow-up of   these requests.

      Data Analysis: This subcommittee analyzes data routinely collected by the Network, and recommends additional data necessary or for special study and  quality improvement projects.

      Patient Relations: This subcommittee deals with matters which directly affect patients, such as grievances, access to transplant and home therapies, as well as vocational rehabilitation. The subcommittee deals with grievances on an ongoing basis until each is resolved.

Candidates for elected positions on the Medical Review Board must:

o       have the appropriate credentials in the discipline they are representing;

o       be experienced in dialysis and/or renal transplantation;

o       be affiliated with a Medicare approved dialysis facility or transplant center which is a member of Network 9/10.

It is required that nominees have email access because many announcements and communications are relayed via email.

The Medical Review Board meets four times a year. Travel and overnight lodging are reimbursed to enable members to attend these meetings.




The Renal Network - 911 E. 86th Street, Suite 202, Indianapolis IN 46240
For more information call 317-257-8265 (phone) or 317-257-8291 (fax) or
Email to: [email protected] and [email protected]

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