Dialysis Unit Locator

  • Dialysis Facility Compare is more than a dialysis unit locator. It makes available detailed information about Medicare approved dialysis facilities throughout the country. Dialysis facility characteristics like ownership, length of operation, as well as, information on quality measures, such as adequacy of dialysis and patient survival are provided. New dialysis facilities may not appear for several months after being approved by Medicare.
  • Dialysisfinder(tm) will help you to locate dialysis units throughout the United States by simply entering the name of a city or as little as a zip code. This is an excellent way to find the location of dialysis unit near your travel destination.














The Renal Network, Inc.
911 E. 86th Street, Suite 202
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Phone: (317) 257-8265
Fax: (317) 257-8291
Patient Line:
1 (800) 456-6919
Email: [email protected]